Christ the King
Altar Servers

Altar Servers,

The Altar Servers Ministry is an active and vibrant community of Catholic boys in the Church of Christ the King. Our Altar Servers assist the Priests during all Masses and Liturgical events in our Parish. We constantly hold training sessions for our members to learn new skills and duties, and also carry out faith formation activities throughout the year. We welcome those who have received their First Holy Communion and are keen to serve God and our Parish community through their participation in the Liturgy.

Why should you join us?

  1. You learn why we do everything in the Mass
  2. You get fully involved in the Mass and get more out of it
  3. You make some great friends
  4. You become more involved in the community
  5. It helps you discern your vocation better

Parish Office Opening Hours

Mondays - Fridays:
9.00am to 6.00pm

9.00am to 4.00pm

9.00am to 1.00pm

Closed on Public Holidays

2221 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 8, Singapore 569809

+65 6459 9958

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