Catechetical Formation

What is Catechesis?

‘Catechesis is nothing other than the process of transmitting the Gospel, as the Christian community has received it, understands it, celebrates it, lives it and communicates it in many ways’ (GDC 1998 #105).

The word catechesis is a Greek word literally means “instruction by mouth” or echoing the teaching”, the teaching of faith. Very soon the name of catechesis was given to the whole of the efforts within the Church to make disciples, to help people to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, so that believing they might have life in His name, and to educate and instruct them in this life and thus build up the Body of Christ. The Church has not ceased to devote her energy to this task (Catechesi Trandendae #introduction).

We are commissioned

To bring the children/the youth to encounter Christ, to put people not only in touch but in communion, in intimacy, with Jesus Christ: (because) only He can lead us to the love of the Father in the Spirit and make us share in the life of the Holy Trinity (Catechesi Trandendae, #5).

This great commission is in fact for each of us, that God has called to proclaim the Good News to everyone, and make disciples of all the nations… Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to carry out everything I have commanded you … (Mt 28:18-20 – Jesus empowered the Church to continue His mission)

We offer Parish Catechesis for children from Pri. 1 to Sec 4. Lessons are usually held on Sundays. If you have missed the registration date, please register your child early by clicking the button below.

Utilizing the Montessori approach, this ministry seeks to meet the pastoral needs of children ages 3-6. Here, they have the opportunity to encounter and grow in a loving, joyful relationship with the Good Shepherd.

Rising Stars welcomes children with special needs. Our mission is to provide a place for them to grow and deepen their faith until mainstream catechism can fully integrate the wide spectrum of needs they present. 

We are a group of youths and young adults who have the passion and love for younger youths preparing for their Sacrament of Confirmation. We believe in accompanying youths to mature in their Christian life and journey towards God.

Catechists are people who keep the memory of God alive; they keep it alive in themselves and they are able to revive it in others

Pope Francis

Catechetical Year 2024

Registration for 2024 Catechism Classes are over.

If you have missed the registration dates, kindly email

Confirmation 2023
FIrst Holy Communion 2023
Catechists Commissioning 2024
Catechists Recruitment Drive 

Pass On the Good News!

This year, over 500 children and young people, preschool through Sec 4, will learn more about Jesus and the Catholic faith. You can help them learn and grow in faith by becoming a catechist for Faith Formation. With classes offered Saturday & Sunday mornings and afternoons you are almost sure to find a time that fits your schedule. As you nurture the faith of our young, you will learn and grow as well! As one long-time catechist put it, “I learn so much from the children!” We provide you with training, materials, and support.

Jesus said "as I was sent into the world, I now send you....."

Parish Office Opening Hours

Mondays - Fridays:
9.00am to 6.00pm

Sat & Sun
9.00am to 1.00pm

Closed on Public Holidays
Church gates closes at 12.00 noon

2221 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 8, Singapore 569809

+65 6459 9958

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