“Help me, guide me in this fight. Give me courage, strength and might.
St Peregrine, Patron Saint of Cancer Patients, pray for us.”
CTK Peregrine, a Catholic support group of the Church of Christ The King, was formed in 2004. Our Ministry is to provide emotional and spiritual support for person with cancer (PWC), survivors and caregivers through sharing, prayers, and talks.
Our members are mostly survivors and caregivers. Most of our survivors have been through various cancer treatments. Our survivors have ridden the roller-coaster ride of emotions, fear and anxieties and so we are able to relate and support the emotional distress they face.
The Ministry aims to render spiritual and encouragement by sharing of personal faith, treatment experiences, visits, prayers, fellowship and other related events such as talks and retreats.
To Be a Befriender to Person With Cancer (PWC) and caregivers within the Parish.
To introduce PWCs to other survivors who have gone through similar treatments.
To lift up PWCs in intercessory prayers and be united with all in prayer.
To journey with PWCs and caregivers who enlist our assistance.
To strengthen PWCs with faith, love, and that they are not alone in their illness.
To provide fellowship and promote spiritual growth.
"Serve with Love"
Come and Join Us
Every last Sunday of the month for Devotion to St Peregrine (Patron saint for persons suffering from cancer, AIDS, and other life-threatening illnesses).
Church of Christ the King
Parish Office Opening Hours
Mondays - Fridays:
9.00am to 6.00pm
Sat & Sun
9.00am to 1.00pm
Closed on Public Holidays
Church gates closes at 12.00 noon
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